The mission of the Canadian Chamber in Italy at the B7 Business Seven

Delegazione Canadese B7 2024 - Canadian Chamber in Italy


The Canadian Chamber in Italy, in delegation with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, took part in the important international event B7 Business Seven in Rome on 17 May 2024.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential and respected institutions in the global economic landscape, engaged in promoting trade and investment between Canada and the rest of the world. The presence of the Canadian Chamber in Italy at this event underlined the strategic importance of the Italian market and the desire to strengthen the economic ties between the two countries.

The B7 Business Seven is a global forum bringing together the main chambers of commerce and organisations from the G7 countries. This event provides a unique platform to discuss global economic challenges, explore new business opportunities and establish strategic partnerships. The participation of the Canadian delegation had as its main objective the promotion of Canadian excellence and the intensification of trade relations with Italy.

The presence of the Canadian Chamber in Italy with the Vice President Stefano Colombetti and the Delegate for International Relations Sergio Passariello, was a fundamental step to consolidate the Canadian presence in Italy and open new ways of economic cooperation.

Key events and meetings of the Canadian Chamber in Italy

To prepare the ground for the Summit discussions, the Canadian Chamber in Italy participated as a partner in a pre-B7 event in Rome entitled: “AI: The Missing Piece of the Productivity Puzzle?” to explore the transformative role of AI in driving economic growth and productivity. The event organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, saw among the speakers present were the Honourable David Lametti and Elissa Golberg, Ambassador of Canada in Italy, as well as several global AI experts from G7 countries and leading technology organizations, including AWS, opentext and Telus.

The mission of the Canadian delegation to the B7 Business Seven was characterized by a series of events and key meetings that offered numerous opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas for delegates of the Canadian Chamber in Italy. These moments allowed the Canadian delegation to interact directly with high-level representatives of the Italian business and institutional world, as well as with other international delegations present at the event.

The B7 Summit, which lasted a whole day, was the culmination of months of work by Confindustria, the Italian industrial organisation that oversees the presidency of the B7 this year, as well as its member organisations from each G7 country. The ultimate objective was to produce a brief policy recommendation document from which the G7 could draw during the development of its final communiqué. This year, B7’s work has focused on four clusters: economic security and global value chains; data economy and digital transformation; energy, environmental and climate change transition; and the future of work. The impact of AI on business and economy was the main and overarching theme.

Read the final communiqué of the B7 of 2024: Driving the transition together

Complementary events B7 in Rome

During his stay in the Italian capital, the delegation of the Canadian Chamber in Italy, visited the official residence of the Canadian ambassador, Villa Grandi, for an informal breakfast attended by Italian business leaders and friends of the embassy.

Ambassador Elissa Golberg spoke of the historical significance of the four-storey villa that is bordered by the ancient Aurelian walls of Rome. The Canadian government purchased ownership of two acres through post-World War II repair funds from the Italian government, a war in which 5,200 Canadian soldiers died in Italy and 92,000 served.

According to former Canadian ambassador to Italy Robert Fowler, the residence is “a monument to the sacrifice of Canadians who fought in Italy during World War II”.

B7 Welcome dinner

On the eve of the Summit, the Canadian delegation had the opportunity to meet and catch up with the B7 counterparts during the official B7 welcome dinner hosted by Confindustria at Palazzo Colonna, one of the oldest and largest private buildings in Rome. It was also an opportunity for G7 business leaders to confront emerging economic opportunities and challenges and potential areas of collaboration.

The mission of the Canadian Chamber in Italy at the B7 Business Seven was an important step in strengthening economic relations between Canada and Italy. Thanks to a series of events and key meetings, the Canadian delegation was able to interact with the main actors of the Italian business and institutional world, exploring new opportunities for collaboration and exchange.

The collaborations and partnerships initiated during the mission are intended to bring long-term benefits, promoting the development of innovative and sustainable projects. The Canadian Chamber in Italy will continue to work to consolidate these relationships and develop new business opportunities, with the aim of creating a prosperous and sustainable future for Canadian and Italian companies.

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