Novareckon and Mind in a Box in the NGI Sargasso programme: Innovation between Italy and Canada

NGI Sargasso Novareckon Mind in a Box


The Canadian Chamber in Italy celebrates its role as a strategic bridge between Italian and Canadian companies in the field of innovation in the NGI Sargasso programme.

Rome, 16 September 2o24 – The Canadian Chamber in Italy is pleased to announce that the Italian company Novareckon and the Canadian company Mind in a Box have been selected to participate in the prestigious NGI Sargasso programme. This important opportunity marks a new milestone in the collaboration between Italy and Canada in the fields of innovation, technology and research.

The NGI Sargasso programme, designed to promote cutting-edge projects that unite Europe and Canada, recognised the innovative value of Novareckon and Mind in a Box in the field of Next-Generation Internet technologies. This recognition will enable them to further develop their skills and strengthen ties between Italian and Canadian innovators.

The success of this project is not only due to the talent of the teams led by Alberto Stefanini, Lorenzo Vandoni, Jérémie Farret and François Monette, but also to the strategic support offered by key organisations on both sides of the Atlantic.

“Special thanks go to the Canadian Chamber in Italy and AIoT Canada, represented for this project by Sergio Passariello and Salvatore Cimmino, who played a crucial role in creating this international partnership.” said Christian Violi, CEO of Novarekon in a post on linkedin.

“We are thrilled to see this promising collaboration between visionary companies take shape,” said Sergio Passariello, Head of International Relations at the Canadian Chamber in Italy. “Our mission has always been to serve as a strategic bridge between the business ecosystems of Italy and Canada, and this success story is a perfect example of how we can foster long-term relationships that benefit both countries.”

The Canadian Chamber in Italy is constantly building connections between Italian and Canadian businesses, encouraging knowledge exchange, business partnerships and innovative solutions that fuel international growth. This collaboration between Novareckon, Mind in a Box and the NGI Sargasso program demonstrates the association’s commitment to providing opportunities that unite two nations with a shared vision of progress and innovation.

Through this initiative, the Canadian Chamber in Italy reaffirms its role as an essential platform for collaboration, allowing Italian and Canadian companies to thrive together in an increasingly interconnected global market.

For more information on the NGI Sargasso programme, please visit [NGI Sargasso link].[Link NGI Sargasso].

In addition, the Canadian Chamber in Italy invites everyone to participate in the webinar ‘Unlock the Potential for Cooperation between SMEs: Mediterranean – Canada’ to be held on 26 September 2024, at 17:00 CET. Organised in collaboration with ASCAME, Euromed Group and AIoT Canada, the event offers a unique opportunity for Italian and Canadian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to explore cooperation in high growth sectors such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Horizon Europe projects. The webinar will be an opportunity to strengthen economic ties and promote innovation between Mediterranean and Canadian companies. For more information and to register, click here.

Banner_1200x1200_speakers_Webinar_Mediterranean_Canada_26.09.2024Who are we

The Canadian Chamber in Italy is committed to promoting strong and lasting trade relations between Italy and Canada. By linking innovative companies, the association creates opportunities for growth and development, positioning itself as a strategic link between the two entrepreneurial ecosystems of the two countries.

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